The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130524   Message #2943786
Posted By: mouldy
12-Jul-10 - 04:21 AM
Thread Name: July-2010-DeClutter & Exercise Accountability
Subject: RE: July-2010-DeClutter & Exercise Accountability
I have an incentive to get all I can prepped for sale (except yon floory thing!) as 2 of the houses I am interested in have had their prices reduced by quite a lot! I'm much more sanguine about the floor now. Better get it done than have a sale fail if/when a survey picked it up. The house will still go up next month, no matter what. It may just be a few days later than I had intended.

I think today is to be a more boxing up and throwing out day. However, I am going to kick things off by giving the kitchen a good going over. I want to store a lot of the bigger pans that hardly ever get used these days, but which I daren't actually get rid of, because every now and then I get to cook for more than one or two! May have to go and get more storage crates...
