The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130662   Message #2943879
Posted By: Dharmabum
12-Jul-10 - 09:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gas Fracking disaster looms
Subject: RE: BS: Gas Fracking disaster looms
Right next to my property line is the local watering hole.
It's literaly a pipe sticking out of the bank along the side of the road that I've seen provide better than ten gallons of fresh spring water a minute.
This originates from the same source that provides my house with water.
It's also where the folks from the local camps come to fill their water jugs.
One of the main reasons I bought this piece of land was the water supply & even during the years I had no electricity running to the house,I always had a supply of drinking/bathing water.

I'm not against extracting natural resources from our planet.
If it's done in a responsable manner.
Unfortunately,when the process is driven by profit & greed,the resposibility of these corporations to do it safely,goes out the window.

My hope is that the BP oil disaster raises the awareness to the dangers involved in drilling for these resorces & regulations are put into place before it's too late to save what's left of our planet.
That's my hope.
In reality,well, I fear that's a different story.

Plain & simple;the fracking process,which involves pumping millions of gallons of water containing toxic chemicals into the earth,is bad.

Only a percentage of the fracking fluid is recovered & without proper regulation,who knows where or how this fluid is "disposed" of.

I was contacted by one of these gas companies a couple of years ago about leasing my land.
I requested they put me in contact with individuals that they'd done business with.
I haven't heard back from them.
No surprise there.


On a footnote;
The entire time I'm writing this message,I'm looking at a Google ad on the bottom of my screen advertising oil & gas well investing.