The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130660   Message #2944163
Posted By: Bill D
12-Jul-10 - 11:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's DOJ plays race card (opinion thread)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's DOJ plays race card (opinion thread)
I am beginning to suspect, Don, that 'information overload' may be involved. When hundreds of 'sources' can just copy & paste the same mis-information, it has become a lot of work to dig thru the hype to sort out the truth..(and find the parts left out).

Also on the show tonight was the FULL story of the couple who posed as pimp & prostitute to allegedly trap ACORN staffers into illegal acts. Yes...they edited the tape, and the full tape shows the ACORN staffer pumped the fakes for info, then called the police and reported them. But, of course, ACORN was hounded into quitting before all the "spun" news could be clarified. Throw enough mud, and your opponents may not be able to shower 9 times a day.