The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130741   Message #2944444
Posted By: Don Firth
13-Jul-10 - 02:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: The return of competitive Jousting
Subject: RE: BS: The return of competitive Jousting
Anybody see the movie version (1944) of Shakespeare's "Henry V?"

French knights, heavily armored (had to be lifted onto their horses with a crane) charging across a large field toward a line of English bowmen (tights, leather jerkins). Music builds! Finally, at a predetermined point, the bowmen release their arrows. A great flight of missiles all soaring abreast upward, then arcing down...

Then the arrows and the knights met.

Chaos and a great crashing sound, like thousands of galvanized roofs collapsing.

Then, English soldiers armed with daggers dashed out to dispach the French knights who were still alive, lying like turtles on their backs, weighed down by their heavy armor.

Trumpets! Colorful banners snapping in the wind....

Glorious! Appalling!

Don Firth