The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25200   Message #294456
Posted By: Escamillo
10-Sep-00 - 03:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ozone hole reaches Argentina
Subject: RE: BS: Ozone hole reaches Argentina
The Sun will allow us another 4,000 million years before it explodes and swallows the Earth and surroundings. It seems to be enough time to solve absolutely all our problems, even in the case that our science doesn't evolve any more. The only problem left would be the final escape.

But humankind produces new problems. I hope that the same consciousness that brought us the great discoveries, the grat art works and spiritual achievements, will drive us to a solution, before cockroaches take the leadership, but for the time being, I'm pessimistic too. World leaders are still playing war games and power games. Curiously, we have elected them in democracies.

I'm gathering more info on the ozone hole. Will be back.

Un abrazo - Andrés