The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25229   Message #294509
Posted By: Jeri
10-Sep-00 - 08:20 AM
Thread Name: Help: Hey Lefties!
Subject: RE: Help: Hey Lefties!
It seems that a bunch of us are ambidexterous. I'd always believed that to mean a person could do everything equally well with both hands, but it doesn't. It just means that neither hand is more dominant. We first grab a pencil with out left hand, so that's the one that learns how to write. We throw a ball first with out right hand, so that's the one that learns that task. We could probably learn to do things with the opposite hand, but it's more comfortable to stick with what we know.

When I first got my fiddle at age 18 or 19, I had to make a decision on whether to play leftie or rightie, because neither side felt more comfortable. Playing left handed would have necessitated making changes to the instrument, so I just went with playing rightie. When it comes to fiddle, (I think picking may take more dexterity than playing chords.) I agree with Mbo on fiddle playing. My left hand does the more intricate work, and my right just has to hang onto a bow and scrape it across the strings in a somewhat controlled manner. (Pre-flaming: yes, Jeri, that pretty well describes your playing! :-) I think picking may take more dexterity than playing chords.

Lets talk hammered dulcimer or harp - now THEY take both hands!