The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104378   Message #2945545
Posted By: Amos
15-Jul-10 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Random Traces From All Over
Subject: RE: BS: Random Traces From All Over
Even scientists can get upset once in a while, as witness this post from a Physics Blog discussing entanglement, quantum mechanics, and Einstein:

""Bell singlehandedly devised the experiment that proved Einstein wrong." IDIOT

Relativity prohibits superluminal velocity information transfer. *Instantaneous* collapse of the volume of an entangled state - even if it encompasses the entire univierse - transfers no information until data sets are compared. Comparison is limited to lightspeed propagation. Both Relativity and QM emerge unscathed.

A stream of linearly polarized photons is directed into a freqency-halving crystal. Two streams of entangled photons emerge at half the frequency, in opposite directions, and with classically orthogonal linear polarizations (conservation of momentum). QM tells us the entangled state is a superposition of classical states (each photon is a 50-50 sum and difference of both linear polarizations) until somebody looks. Upon observation, the wavefunction *instantaneously* collapses and the pair of entangled photons will be seen to have orthogonal polarizations... WHEN THE TWO OBSERVERS COMPARE NOTES.

Two observers are 50 miles separated. Lightspeed is about a foot/nsec so they are about 260 micro-lightseconds apart. A linearly polarized photon stream enters a frequency-halving crystal centered between them, one million photons/second. There is lots of time between arrivals at both ends to measure polarization angle of each arriving photon all by itself. Relativity would be drastically falsified if communication at 260 times lightspeed, the first observed photon telling its entangled partner what polarization it must have, occurred.

Unknown to the observers, it is a three part experiment. It runs to spec for both, or there is a ten microsecond optical delay line that can be inserted into either arm so one observer sees one of two entangled photons first. Let 'er rip for billions of photons, 1/3 randomly assinged into each circumstance on the fly.

Each isolated observer now has billions of measured polarizations. So? Each has a long list of numbers that conveys exactly zero information - not even Morse code. When they compare datasets, polarizations and arrival times, data becomes information and Bell's Inequality reigns.

Comparison of datasets - even for one entangled pair - cannot propagate faster than lightspeed. QM obtains and relativity is not violated.

You are ineducable for not reading the literature, then and now. You are foul for chronically blowing it out your bum, post after post. Ignorance can be educated, stupidity is forever. Get educated or go away...."