The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25200   Message #294585
Posted By: winniemih
10-Sep-00 - 12:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ozone hole reaches Argentina
Subject: RE: BS: Ozone hole reaches Argentina
This thread reminded me of a book that was HIGHLY recommended by a wonderful musician I met last month (which I have not until now followed up on). Believing Cassandra, written by Alan AtKisson (a singer/songwriter, also has an accompanying C.D. for the book) The musician I mentioned said that this is the first thing she has come across that has outlined the environmental situation realistically, but has also been optimistic in outlook, providing workable solutions for achieving sustainability both on a small and large scale, and also providing ways to counteract the despair that full knowledge of our situation can lead to. Thanks for reminding me to get ahold of this book, I think I need it. The Junction at was the source she gave me, but other book vendors would have it.