The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130841   Message #2947005
Posted By: Joe Offer
18-Jul-10 - 01:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Middle age crisis cars
Subject: RE: BS: Middle age crisis cars
In 1999, I was 51, single for seven years, and not having much luck with my love life. So, I bought a red, two-door 1999 Honda Civic. I think it reminded me of a very attractive woman who drove a similar car....but I didn't get to first base with her.
Three years later, I fell in love with a woman with a child, dogs, cats, and a Volvo station wagon; got married; and settled down. As with most of my cars, the hot little Honda ended up in the hands of a teenager - my stepson. But this is the first car I've given to a teenager, that hasn't been trashed in six months.

-Joe Offer, who never was comfortable having a middle-age crisis-

....but sometimes I wonder what happened to the very attractive woman with the red Civic...I never even got up the courage to ask her out.....