The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129840   Message #2947940
Posted By: Jim Carroll
19-Jul-10 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
Subject: RE: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
There is very little 'driving off of the Jews' with the primative weapons posessed by the Palestinians, and we can argue the rights and wrongs of the political set-up of Israel from here to kingdom come - I am talking about the behaviour of the Israelis towards non-combatants - utterly inhuman.
Even if it was the case that the Palestinians hid mortars (primative sort of opposition to the weaponry of the Israeli army - tanks, planes, sophisticated rocket launchers), how can ytou possibly justify the destruction of those schools and hospitals? the hopitals that were put under fire by the Israelis still had the patents and staff in them - HOW CAN YOU JUSTIFY THAT? AND HOW DO YOU JUSTIFY THE USE OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS SUCH AS PHOSPORUS BOMBS ON A CIVILIAN POPULATION - WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE ARE YOU - YOU DISGRACE THE MEMORY OGF THE HOLCAUST DEAD.
You have chosen to defend one aspect of the Israeli atrocdities, defending it on the word of a government that has jackbooted its way across the Middle East and ignoring all the rest.
I deny the right to a homeland to no-one as long as it is their home and not one promised by a 2,000 old myth.