The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129840   Message #2948272
Posted By: Jim Carroll
20-Jul-10 - 09:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
Subject: RE: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
"Emotive hyperbole again."
Explain the part played by Israel in the Shatila and Sabra Refugee Camp massacres, the military incursions into Gaza, including chemical weapon attacks, the forcible seziure and occupation of Palastinian land, including the plan to demolish 14 Palastinian homes to make way for a tourist centre, and today's announcement that it is considering changing the law to allow the seizure of property vacated by Palestinians they have driven out.
All as near as it gets to genocide for me, but will be glad to replace the term with ethnic cleansing if it helps.
"If the rockets are so ineffective..."
"Every little helps" - as the man from Tesco tells us.
"If I have EVER supported Israeli fascism..."
When haven't you supported Israeli Fascism - a quick perusal of this thread will help refresh your memory.
"and I did denounce the 4 soldiers responsible."
Whatever happened to "The buck stops here" or are you happy to absolve the army and the Government of all blame. If so, why haven't the four rogue soldiers been imprisoned for their crimes against humanity?
"I can not help you with the other thing. "
Still with the Billy/Bully-boys then
I take that a refusal of my invitation - sorry, no deal in that case.
Jim Carroll