The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130900   Message #2948643
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
20-Jul-10 - 08:13 PM
Thread Name: This Song Makes me Weep
Subject: RE: This Song Makes me Weep
Dancing at Whitsun - especially the verse

Down from the green farmlands and from their loved ones
Marched husbands and brothers and fathers and sons.
There's a fine roll of honor where the Maypole once stood,
And the ladies go dancing at Whitsun.

And Home Lads Home, of course, with

Dead lads and shadowy horses, I see them all the same,
I see them and I know them and I call them each by name,
Riding down from harvest, when all the west's aglow
And the lads all sitting sideways and singing as they go

I remember in a song session where the singer commented that it was a pretty unique song, because where instead of the chorus getting stronger as the song went on, singers tended to drop out because they were feeling choked-up. Which is what always happens to me at that verse.