The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130900   Message #2949284
Posted By: MickyMan
21-Jul-10 - 04:02 PM
Thread Name: This Song Makes me Weep
Subject: RE: This Song Makes me Weep
Ahhh! Roger, Broken Glass is indeed a tear producing song of the highest magnitude.

A few minutes ago I was thinking of this thread on the way home as I shed a few tears while listening to Ian Tyson's song .... "Someday Soon".
"Someday soon, goin' with him, someday soon"

So many thoughts come to mind about the perils and joys of young love, and I happen to have had a personal experience where the hearing of a well done live performance of this song at a town carnival when I was about 13 turned this young rock and roller on to the power of country music. It's one of those crossovers that opened up a previously ignored genre to many people.
Gawd!, That song makes me cry when the girl sings of how her father won't accept her rodeo boy lover ... "probably 'cause he was just as wild, in his younger days". The whole circle of life just flashes before me in that one line!
What is it that separates a wonderfully effective tearjerker from a schlocky "wanna be"? It's often just a subtle turn of the phrase or a well placed word!