The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129840   Message #2949651
Posted By: Emma B
22-Jul-10 - 06:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
Subject: RE: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
video of attack on school

It is disingenuous in the extreme to claim "Anyone inside was safe."

This certainly was NOT true for the family of Sabah Abu Halima

"The phosphorus smoke bomb punched through the roof in exactly the spot where much of the family had taken refuge — the upstairs hall away from the windows.

The bomb, which international weapons experts identified as phosphorus by its fragments, was intended to mask troop movements outside. Instead it breathed its storm of fire and smoke into Sabah Abu Halima's hallway, releasing flaming chemicals that clung to her husband, baby girl and three other small children, burning them to death"

Richard Silverstein quoting from a news report Tikun Olam

Even if you limit this misleading remark to the attack on the school it is obvious that anyone in the playground area at the start of this phosphorus attack was at risk as were the people who attempted to deal with the flaming pieces of phosphorus which can not be extinguished using ordinary fire fighting euipment.

Nevertheless I'm gratified to see that Israel has, in the face of irrefutable evidence that it used phosphorus munitions in densely populated areas and the universal disapprobation to the attempt to cover this up as well, decided to 'restrict' their use in future.