The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115435   Message #2950326
Posted By: ollaimh
22-Jul-10 - 10:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canuck Liberal Party Leader... who?
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Liberal Party Leader... who?
who the hell is chongo?

if the next election leaves the cons a minority--no certainty--then the liberals may go back to the french english taking turns. that heavily leans to leblanc or trudeau.

justin trudeau has been doing a lot to rebuild the party in quebec,but the fruit of that may still be two elections off.
but we do need rescue from these neo cons who are driving us into insolvency faster thasn any previuos government with their irresponsible tax cuts and equally irrespobsible spending sprees/ eighty billion at least beofre the economic downturn. id martin were still in power we would have been free of deficit untill next year and then not the record the cons have set.

harper and his cronies are bought and sold by oil interests who are the people of the past , stopping the changes needed untill the last minute