The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104378   Message #2951314
Posted By: Donuel
24-Jul-10 - 09:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Random Traces From All Over
Subject: RE: BS: Random Traces From All Over
Maybe this is a better spot to place this musing...

Introduction to the thought experiment.

Some of us can read and write music. Some of us may perform music better than those who read and write music. And some of us experience music more deeply than the rest, but may be unaware they are different. Depending on the wiring of your mind you might see music in color or see music in perfect pitch colors, or maybe feel music in an enhanced 3-D that flows from mind to body in pure dance. While we are talented differently, no one, not even the genius, can have every talent possible any more than one may have every perspective and point of view in the universe.

The interplay of musical sound and light that forms in our mostly visual brains is at the heart of our humanness. In our minds we can transform pictures in new ways as simply as we change a tune for the better. This is our unique talent which allows us to ride upon a thought experiment that sometimes reveals the mysteries of the universe to us in remarkable ways.

When Einstein was stuck mathematically when trying to integrate time and space the simple thought experiment of seeing the town square clock as if upon a beam of light racing away from the clock at the speed of light showed him that time virtually stops at the speed of light. The clock reads 12 continually if you were the light beam but to people in the town square the clock keeps ticking away.

This brings me to the point of a recent thought experiment I had which was as spontaneous and enjoyable as hearing a new symphony in my head. First thing needed was darkness so that the light from within could be seen. Like booting up a computer I closed my eyes and pictured the immediate environment until It felt like I could see everything in the dark. The next step was to open my eyes in the totally dark room and still mentally see everything clearly in the muted tones of night vision, whether they were really visible or not. To go where you want to go in this state is as easy as driving. Just step on the gas…

Every thought experiment must have a clear destination or question well beforehand like the time I asked about a future power source and I envisioned a circle in a triangle. While I knew the image was symbolic I am embarrassed to say that it took years later to interpret the single circle and the triangle as Lithium and Hydrogen or as Lithium hydride batteries. The thought experiment yesterday was directed at reconciling surprising cosmological discoveries into a dynamic flowing picture of the universe!

I sought to include all the surprises such as the acceleration of our space time universe and dark matter and energy, as well as tiny and massive black holes and every other cosmological teaser that exists today as a loose strand of knowledge in the tapestry puzzle of the cosmos. What I saw was beautiful and simple within a framework of musical vision, only if you consider the idea of infinite fractal dualities simple.

If this were a joke, this would be when Spaw would now awaken with an intense Eureka moment of discovering he had incredible intestinal cramps and had to reach the bathroom in seconds from his bed 20 feet away. This is not a joke however and the effort of now describing the dynamic picture I saw will require eloquence beyond my use of language, so bear with me even if you think I am just full of shit or maybe on to something important.

What you bring to the table in response to what I have to describe is most important. For example it took Professor Szilard to have first read H.G. Wells book describe something called the atomic bomb to then become the first person to understand many years later when the neutron was discovered that an envisoned chain reaction of these neutrons would actually make H.G.Wells' science fiction atomic bomb a reality.

What I saw was dimensions enclosed within dimensions as simply as a sheet of paper enclosed within all the air around it in the room with the air touching the paper at every surface, and the room enclosed within a building that surrounds every wall of the room, yet it was a cosmic space picture with familiar features of galaxies and black holes.

The boundaries between these dimensions were like a turbulent mirror which allowed most of the stuff in its dimension to be reflected back yet allow tiny parts to pass through. The dimensions were not like parallel branes but more like various yet similar fractal dimensions that differed only slightly as the scale in size varied from one to the next.

As black holes swallowed up bright matter and sent it hurtling into another dimension with the power of immense gravity, that other dimension (which touches every part of our dimension like the air around the sheet of paper) grew in mass equally to the amount of mass leaving our dimension. As the black holes became more numerous over time, more dark matter and energy resided in the other enclosing dimension which gave it more gravitational persuasion over our dimension and began to cause our dimension to accelerate toward every point in which it is surrounded by the dark energy mass dimension.

Instability built up over a near infinite period of time until the other dimension exploded back into the other nearly empty dimension through a weak spot as if the cosmic pendulum stopped and began to swing the other way.

This great cosmic breathe or undulating pulse of the universe was envisioned a bit like progeny being born while the prior version passed away. Like a Klien bottle, one dimension passes into another as inside and outside are same, yet within another Klien bottle.   The dynamic image of the thought experiment however was like a multiverse in which each bubble universe might sometimes burst making more but smaller bubbles on a smaller fractal scale dimension like foam on an infinite beach with countless bubbles of sizes that were clearly seen, all the way down to the microscopically invisible. Some of the bubbles were even able to combine and make a larger bubble from two or more bubbles.

Let me pause here and acknowledge the usual warnings against using human perceptions to make sense of other dimensions such as the quantum scale which can be viewed as a smaller dimension where things seemingly do not make "everyday" sense or obey laws that are familiar to our day to day life and bodies. It does begin to make sense when you envision a person looking at the quantum scale dimension yet seeing its alien time scale of eons pass in our nanosecond. This is why sub atomic particles sometimes seem as though they could be anywhere in a possibility cloud but only when we look are they seen to be in a particular position.

For me what I think was seen were a finite number of dimensions that dynamically influenced one another in an ebb and flow between themselves and that time was not a dimension in itself for everything there is, but was different and special for each dimension depending upon its mass and scale.
The less mass and the smaller dimension the more impossibly fast time would become. It seemed that the spooky action at a distance was a result of the turbulent mirror between dimensions where virtual particles pass to and fro. There was no big bang in the dream image but rather the breathe like ebb and flow between two similar dimensions at various time scales.

I could continue to describe the image of the thought experiment with more simplicity, and probably more succinctly at another time in a different state of mind but I will stop here and see what you might bring to the table and listen to your perspective and possibly the connections you see in this dynamic model with physics, cosmology and consciousness, or if it can be entirely dismissed as magical thinking like the fictional inventions of H.G.Wells.