The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115435   Message #2951431
Posted By: ollaimh
24-Jul-10 - 01:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canuck Liberal Party Leader... who?
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Liberal Party Leader... who?
the state ofn our corporate controlled media is terrible. they used to ask the hartd questions, back thirty years ago if a politician proposed to solve things by free votes in parliament they would have hounded him to say how he'd vote on each and every issue, and then poll his cacus. the one time this was asked of harper his cronies shouted down the qwuestioner--julie van dussen. and that ewas that

they let him off the hook with a pure fudge.

and the treatement of dion whose green shift was less than the us or most european counrties. we have become the enviornmental neanderthalls of the developed world and reversed the good fiscal management.

the tar sands will destroy the second lasgest water shed in north america before they are through and the oil men who own harper will tell canada to pay for the clean up because alberts will be broke by then. hell in a hand cart