The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130902   Message #2951818
Posted By: Amos
25-Jul-10 - 09:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: FoX News TKO's Obama..Shirley Sherrod Firing
Subject: RE: BS: FoX News TKO's Obama..Shirley Sherrod Firing
Guest in Sanity,

While I realize your comment, "Interesting" was semantically null, I think the kind of half-wit straw-man illogic presented by Glen Beck is pathetic; and the fact that he enthralls anyone at all, let alone a significant following, is even more pathetic and disgusting.

His basic piece of snake-oil legerdemain is to present a false premise and then beat his chest about how illogical it is. This of course is too easy. It is also misleading, distortive, excessively querulous and infantile.