The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130902   Message #2951986
Posted By: Bill D
25-Jul-10 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: FoX News TKO's Obama..Shirley Sherrod Firing
Subject: RE: BS: FoX News TKO's Obama..Shirley Sherrod Firing
pdq... you fail (as usual) to give your source for that 'information', or even to bother noting that it IS a C&P. Fortunately, *I* am able to find that it came. 3rd hand from "" who got it from "Tom McMahon"...who extracted it from one of Ann Coulter's rants in March of LAST year.
Now that is sure impressive! Ann Coulter is quite the fount of wisdom....until you read her tale and realize she is conducting an ad hominem attack with innuendo and exaggeration.

*I* have watched WAY more than "three nights of his show", and I don't ever remember him mentioning where he went to school OR bragging about the details. I DO remember him talking about the fact that his early career was in broadcasting ...mostly sports. Obviously, he read and paid attention to other things along the way...even enough to be hired at FOX at one time.
Now, I 'might' go find a list of other historical...and current... personages who were respected for their learning & ability, whether they ever went to college...or to a 'famous' college, or not.... but be assured there are many.
*I* judge a person by what they know, how they present it, and how well what they say can be tested and verified and how they deal with stupid accusations such as your UNquote.

Now... you wanta tackle Rachel Maddow, who is a gen-you-ine Rhodes scholar?