The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129840   Message #2952301
Posted By: Jim Carroll
26-Jul-10 - 05:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
Subject: RE: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
You started this theme off rather spectacularly by inventing two types of phosphorus - lethal and non lethal, claiming (without corroborating evidence) that the Israelis were using the non-lethal type.
You have been forced to back-pedal desperately, and are now claiming that they were only using smoke bombs (despite the injuries to civililians - no propaganda needed, the filmed evidence speaks for itself, as does your appalling apologist attitude).
The Independent article I cited carries some horrific photographs of the injuries inflicted by your 'smoke bombs'. The film footage of the bombardment of Gaza shows clearly the burning phosphorus fragments raining down on built-up areas - two and two makes chemical weapons being used on civilians, whatever colour you care to paint it.
Today's news says the indications are that Israel will refuse to co-operate with the United Nations Human Rights Committe on the piracy enquiry.
Jim Carroll