The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2952505
Posted By: LilyFestre
26-Jul-10 - 11:34 AM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: on to Life!
My package arrived today.

Breakfast was cooking....english muffins in the toaster, eggs on the stove and me ignoring it all to open my package.

I carefully cut through the tape and couldn't believe what I found.....this ENTIRE thread printed out and spiral bound!!! Knowing me like you do, I'm sure it comes as no surprise that I stood and cried. I am overwhelmed with your kindness and seeing the entire story there in front of me....I can't believe it. There's so much many tears went into so many of those posts and so much love.....this is a gift that I will treasure forever and ever. I randomly opened the book to different pages and read....there are things that I remember clearly and other details that I had forgotten already.
    Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Somehow words don't seem adequate but know that I absolutley love that everything was printed out and bound.....something that contains a good deal of my heart and soul as well as all of you....I sometimes wonder if you know just how much you all have helped me through the last 7 months?
    At the Relay for Life, my friend Tracy made 2 for her and one for me. She had told me she was going to do it, asking me for my favorite colors and then for the names of the people who I couldn't have done without. So..there's my name: Michelle Lawrence, SURVIVOR along with Pete, Mom, Linda, Laurie AND MUDCAT!!!! I will post a photo of it soon.....I hope the message I'm trying to convey is coming across as thank you with all my heart. And I love you. XOXOXOXOOXOX
