The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131036   Message #2952964
Posted By: treewind
27-Jul-10 - 02:22 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Formatting in MS Word or Open Office
Subject: RE: Tech: Formatting in MS Word or Open Office
The secret with OO headers and footers is to get used to the idea of page styles. Every page is associated with a page style, and it's the page style that defines what's in the header and footer. There are ready-made page styles for "first page", "table of contents", "default" and a couple of others (I think) but you can add more if you need them and you can edit the content of each style separately.

"It could be it is *seeing* some formatting from Word which shouldn't be there"
Importing MS Word docs into OO tends to create a rather messy mix of formatting and style information, because the two systems are structured so differently. OK for tweaking for a quick print of a few pages, but a complex document is best created in the same program you're going to use for editing it later.
