The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129840   Message #2953657
Posted By: Jim Carroll
28-Jul-10 - 03:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
Subject: RE: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
"I guess my assumption that you hate Jews more than you care about people is true."
Can I just clear one point up before this sinks any deeper into the slime.
So far this thread has been refreshingly clear of anti-Semitism and has largely confined itself to discussing the actual events of the Palestine-Israeli conflict. This may be down to the vigilance of the site administrators keeping an eye on things, but I like to think that it is because the posters involved care about what is happening in Gaza and have no axe to grind, racist or otherwise.
I suppose it was inevitable that somebody should play the 'race card' - it is a despicable and cowardly way to debate and, to me, shows a paucity of arguments by those who pull such stunts.
Taken to its logical conclusion it means that we can never discuss Zimbabwe because Denis Mugabe is black, or it would make Iraq a no-go area because of the ethnic origins of Sadam Hussain.
Let's keep it clean and not let this become a slanging match or yet another closed thread-eh?
Jim Carroll