The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25279   Message #295367
Posted By: BDtheQB
11-Sep-00 - 09:41 PM
Thread Name: The term 'folk Nazi'
Subject: RE: The term 'folk Nazi'
"Rabid Traditionalist" is perhaps the best description of what is meant. I am a person who is always trying to find humor in everything and I nearly posted a rebuttal type of "joke" to the FN thing. It was funny, in the way that a blonde joke or Polish joke is funny but I refrained because of the very thing being discussed here. I am now glad that I refrained from the posting. I am not in any fashion hateful, heck I even don't mind that Rush guy living on the same planet but funny is funny if it is funny. Unfortunately we can't be funny in any of the old fashioned Traditionalist ways anymore. It is in a way a shame but I do know that the world changes and moves on. I just wonder what would happen to the old "Yiddish" comedians today if they had to use their old acts. Amos and Andy were reasonably humorous in their time to most folks but would never be correct today. It is a sign of the times and we must change with them but we should record the legacy of what has passed and make sure that no revisionism takes control of our history as it has in the past. Was George Washington really that honest?