The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131068   Message #2953917
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
28-Jul-10 - 02:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hybrid Wolves / Wolfdogs
Subject: RE: BS: Hybrid Wolves / Wolfdogs
A few people in northern Alberta and the southern territories have wolf-dog crosses. The regulations in Alberta forbid wolves but do not mention crosses.
They are used by some dog-sledders.
Note the links adv. with this thread.

A friend had a wolf she raised from a pup. It had to wander, not just nearby, but 50 miles or more away it would turn up and she had to go and get it.
A place near Banff, Alberta, used to have wolves for use in movies.
One trait that is very dog-like is that they love rides. Visitors left their cars at the gate and were picked up in a pick-up, with wolves riding joyously in the back. They definitely said not an animal suitable as a pet, and said crosses needed a firm hand.

I would not recommend the crosses; the wrong traits may be dominant.

Territoriality, a tendency to wander, large size, variability in temperament- the latter has been standardized and largely suppressed in dogs.
As the link on care indicates, they can be variable- and this is a difficult trait to forecast. If you get one that is unsuitable, it will have to be put down.

A son has rotweilers. They tend to be babies and need much TLC. I prefer the mid-size breeds.