The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131081   Message #2954240
Posted By: GUEST,Big Ballad Singer
29-Jul-10 - 12:21 AM
Thread Name: Who's THE most over-rated 'legend'?
Subject: RE: Who's THE most over-rated 'legend'?

Nah... he's a great one. I just like to call 'em as I see 'em. I have been behind the scenes AND on the stage for too long to be star-struck by anyone that passes for a "legend" these days.

Tug... what other Icons?

Anyway, again, not trying to say that anyone's NOT TALENTED. Just trying to say that I think there are a lot more things turning people into "legends" than their playing and singing. Money, for one. Marketability. A willingness to be the "you" that sells... the "you" that someone pays you to be.

All just my opinion and not scanned for absolute coherence nor for compatibility with what anyone else thinks.