The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131081   Message #2954491
Posted By: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
29-Jul-10 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: Who's THE most over-rated 'legend'?
Subject: RE: Who's THE most over-rated 'legend'?
"Here here, Will (or is it hear hear ?"

For what it's worth, it definitely is "Here here!", and not "Hear hear."
But for some reason most people get it wrong and the other way around. Not sure why.

Otherwise, I really don't know enough (anything) about the early Blues to have an opinion on either the validity or otherwise of the "legend" appellation ascribed to Leadbelly & Robert Johnson.

So I'd still genuinely appreciate it if BigBalladSinger would offer us a smattering of the dozens of other singers and guitarists around during that era, that he thinks were greater artists.