The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131081   Message #2954518
Posted By: Anne Lister
29-Jul-10 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: Who's THE most over-rated 'legend'?
Subject: RE: Who's THE most over-rated 'legend'?
Dear Big Ballad Singer, whoever you are - of course other people's opinion will "negate" yours, because they don't share yours. Why should your opinion be the only one that counts? And I'll ask again what the point of this thread is is ALL subjective. My taste is my own, yours is yours. I love tomatoes, my husband doesn't - what does that say about us as human beings, or tomatoes? Nothing of any value at all. HE would say tomatoes are over-rated, I wouldn't.
If you don't like a particular singer there's no reason why you should subscribe to other people's valuation of them, but there's also no reason to start a Mudcat thread about it.
But hey, I've been around Mudcat long enough to know that some people just love this kind of nonsense so I'll bow out of this thread (and others like it) permanently. Oh - yes, that's my real name, too. I don't mind standing fully behind my point of view.