The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131094   Message #2954685
Posted By: gnu
29-Jul-10 - 04:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Use of Titles?
Subject: RE: BS: The Use of Titles?
I have just begun wearing my Iron Ring again. When I was accepted into the Canadian Enigineers Camp 9 during the secret Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer behind closed doors I was proud as a peacock. I called it "Ticka-ticka night" as I was fially, after a long 5 years of study and sweat and the accompanying financial outlay, to tap my beed glass with my Iron Ring.

I wore it proudly as an Engineer-in-Training. When I had done my time, I was proud to be accepted as a full member in The Association of Professional Engineers of New Brunswick and as a full member of the Intitute of Transportaion Engineers (USA) and the Canadian Institute of Transportaion Engineers.

Then, I took the ring off whenever I left the office. On accounta most guys who have been building shithouses for 30 or 40 years don't need some university boy to tell them they didn't mount the toilet paper roller on the right side of the shitter as shown in the plans.

Now, I never did that, but some must have because I learned early on that wearing my Iron Ring or my WHITE hardhat was telegraphing negative vibes to the guys in the trenches.

I have recently put it back on full time as I don't do much "in the field" anymore. And it sure makes a hell of a difference dealing other professionals... doctors, laywers... whoever.

I even use my titles in written correspondance when I want the recipient to understand immediately that I am not someone they can ignore. To me, it's a sad commentary that they do so because I deserve no more than the next guy, but I have seen both sides of the fence and it is greener when I use my titles... or wear my Iron Ring... OR just wear a suit rather than my preferred choice of work boots, work pants, tee shirt and peaked cap with the HUGE skeeter on it that says "I gave blood in Harcourt, New Brunswick."

As for reliving past glory, that don't mean squat to me. But "using it" helps in some instances.