The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25175   Message #295491
Posted By: Metchosin
12-Sep-00 - 01:35 AM
Thread Name: Who's been here the longest?
Subject: RE: Who's been here the longest?
Like most I came to the DT first, researching something for my brother in July 99 and later to possibly find some history on songs my grandfather used to play and sing


Proved worthwhile too, though not in the way I thought it would. One of my grandfathers's songs has only been collected from one other source in North America and my grandfather's version be appearing on an upcoming CD of Hobo Songs soon....damn, wish I could remember the name of the artist...oh well, when its out I will probably be so excited I will certainly let everyone know.

The other upshot was that one of my grandmother's songs proved unique too and Murray on Saltspring is including it in a book of Bairn Songs he is compiling.

I entered the Forum in September or October 99 after a lot of lurking and with considerable trepidation, intimidated by the expertise and my decided lack of computer skills. And lo and behold Gargoyle was the first to greet me. He told me to go away! everyone here was a jerk.....scared the s**t out of me.

Sure glad I stayed. Thanks for all the help and time people, if I've never told anyone before, I'm stating it now: YOU ARE THE BEST AND IT SURE HAS BEEN APPRECIATED! New members and old, whoever you are.