The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25279   Message #295518
Posted By: Lena
12-Sep-00 - 03:38 AM
Thread Name: The term 'folk Nazi'
Subject: RE: The term 'folk Nazi'
Nazis were just the only bastards to be recognized and labelled(when their ideology became out of fashon).There are other human crimes still on which bring no label nor condemnation.I'd like the word 'nazi'to be cheapened down,so that it doesn't refer anymore to some isolated evil episode in human history.We are all liable to be nazi,as soon as we shut our tolerance down,our intelligence,our connection with all human beings.A nazi is not a person suddenly possessed by the devil.a nazi is a person like me,or you,who turns another human being(or his difference) into the 'evil'.And I've had enough practical examples of that in the last ten years.If you feel offended because to you it's like a profanation of the hebrew tragedy,fair enough.But please be tolerant with other people's ways of expressing theirselves.