The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131081   Message #2955462
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
30-Jul-10 - 07:52 PM
Thread Name: Who's THE most over-rated 'legend'?
Subject: RE: Who's THE most over-rated 'legend'?
"I just like to call 'em as I see 'em."

There's something about that expression that always seems to indicate something less than attractive about the way the person saying it is regarding themselves.

I think greg stephens at 29 Jul 10 - 12:50 PM got it about right. I don't think it needs saying twice.

Incidentally I understand from a recent thread that they now think that the version of Robert Johnson we think we know is a bit distoreted, because they speeded up the records, which made the voice higher. Still sounds pretty good at what's reckoned to be the correct speed - in fact I'd say better. I don't know if it's made any diffeence to the legend part of it.

A "legend" - surely that means something that's good to pass on and remember and from which people can draw inspiration. Who cares of Robin Hood actually ever lived?

To quote The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance "When the legend becomes fact, print the legend ..."