The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56672   Message #2955521
Posted By: Jim Dixon
30-Jul-10 - 11:43 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Lulu Walls
Subject: Lyr Add: LULU WALL (from A'nt Idy Harper)
You can hear this recording at the Honking Duck web site. This is my transcription. I have represented some words phonetically: for example, she consistently pronounces "Luly" although the record label says "Lulu."

As sung by A'nt Idy Harper & Coon Creek Girls, Vocalion 04203, 1938.

1. One ev'ning getting dark, I met her in the park.
She was settin' by the fountain all alone.
I lifted up my hat and then began to chat.
I asked if I could see her to her home.

CHORUS: Such a star I've never seen. She's as pretty as a queen.
She's as perfect as an angel from above.
If she'd only be my wife, we'd live happy all our life,
With that agger'vating beauty, Luly Wall.

2. One ev'ning getting late, I met her at the gate.
I asked her if she'd wed me in the fall;
And nothing did she say, but only turned away,
That agger'vating beauty, Luly Wall.

3. If she were only mine, I'd build a house so fine,
Around it, so many fences tall.
It would make me jealous-free that no one else but me
Could gaze upon that beauty, Luly Wall.

4. As the years have passed away, and now she's old and gray,
Upon her I often make a call,
And as she sets right there in the fam'ly rocking chair,
I gaze upon that beauty, Luly Wall.