The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131136   Message #2955863
Posted By: catspaw49
31-Jul-10 - 04:57 PM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger - God's Counting on You (Lorre Wyatt)
I have always admired Pete. He is always out there on the front lines and standing up for what he believes is right. A person can do no more than that. He deserves the Nobel Prize that he'll never get and a place at the top of the legends in folk music that he has long had.

But, uh.........hmmmmm...........oy..............well, I gotta' say it.............

This song blows whales. As I'm agnostic and lacking any proof source for the existence or non-existence of "god," this thing makes me want to gag. I'm all for folks feeling better through their religion but the idea and sentiment expressed as it is here is............well, whatever it is it bites.........Has Pete ever been quite so openly religiously bent before? I don't recall it if he has.

If god is counting on me have him send me a note to that effect. I would prefer a sign where he boils oil company executives in a huge vat of their own that might be the beginnings of a proof source.
