The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25279   Message #295595
Posted By: Naemanson
12-Sep-00 - 09:30 AM
Thread Name: The term 'folk Nazi'
Subject: RE: The term 'folk Nazi'
Callie, you've hit a sensitive point with me. As a citizen of the United States I too have to live within a society that once committed genocide against an entire race of people. It is a shame and a disgrace.

We need to keep in mind a very disturbing fact. The Nazis were only people who were unleashed. There leadership made it OK to do what they did. That ability to hate, to injure, and to kill lurks beneath the surface of all too many of our neighbors. Believe me when I say this. I was raised to be a redneck. I learned a lot about hate born in ignorance from my father and his friends. I could tell you stories of casual remarks that would call down the flames of hell on my head. Let me just say that Guest's remarks are pale and flacid in comparison.

There has to be a way to defuse the hate. Rush Limbaugh fed that hate and ignorance for whatever reason. Others keep it alive. It is our job to turn that around, through our love and our music. It is easy to agree here about what those people are. It is more difficult to speak out when we are among them but that is where we are needed.

I am not a Christian but I have taken the ideals into my heart. I conform to the commandments and lessons as best I can. I have learned the lessons about the value of humanity and love. I am no longer a redneck. I was cured by knowledge, friendship and love.

Oh, and I know this approach will work because I have seen it work on my father too.