The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131142   Message #2956118
Posted By: Doby
01-Aug-10 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Do you know this melody
Subject: RE: Origins: Do you know this melody
thanks for listening you're right; although I'm relatively sure it was played by the dubliners it doesn't need to irish. It was certainly sort taking the Mickey. I found my source put the words under the abc but I'm still looking for the traditional used

T:My Old Irish Tomb
C:Unidentified Trad.
N:Words by Brendan Behan
Z: id:donno-1
W:2.The day owl would hoot in the morning,
W:The night owl would hoot in the night,
W:With my botn in my band, I'll be calling,
W:My darling to join in the rite
W:Of kissiog and hugging and feeling
W:So cold on the top of the grave,
W:I'd fall down before her and kneeling
W:I'd sing her this tweet serende.
W:It's my old Irish Tomb
W:I'll be in there soon
W:But first you must kiss me
W:beneath the harvest moon
W:No matter where you come from
W:No matter where you be
W:Remember your old Irish graveyard
W:And a stone marked R.I.P.
K:C Major
|:G|G c c c B c|d A4 A|B B B G B d|c5:|
w:1.Oh, I met my love in a grave-yard, We cour-ted there 'cos we'd no bed
w:And oh hap-py love and em-bra-ces, We did it to cbeer up the dead,
G|G e e e d e|f A4 G|G d d d c d|e4 G G|
w:I held her so dose to a sta-tue, We met at the door of a vault, And I
G c c c B c|d A4 A|B B B G B d|c3 "Chorus"E2 F|
w:whis-pered 'My dear, I'll be at you, And free-ly ad-mit it's my fault'. It's my
G3 A2 B|c5 e|g3 f2 e|A5 A|G3 B2 c|
w:old Ir-ish tomb Ill be in there soon But first you must
e d4 d|d2 G c2 d|e5 G|G2 G A2 B|d c4 e|g2 g f2 e|
w:kiss me be-neath the har-vest moon No mat-ter where you come from No mat-ter where you
A5 A|G c c c B c|d A3 d d|d2 c e2 d|c3|]
w:be Re-mem-ber your old Ir-ish grave-yard And a stone marked R.-I.-P.