The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25279   Message #295668
Posted By: GUEST,John
12-Sep-00 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: The term 'folk Nazi'
Subject: RE: The term 'folk Nazi'

I have to agree with what you said about Limbaugh's use of illogical/unfair debating methods. I OFTEN turn the radio off. The song you posted though points out the broad brush with which his philosophical end of the spectrum is painted. Logically, a philosophy that encourages less government intervention is not at the same end of the philosophical spectrum as tyrannists, fascists, nazis etc who are by there very nature pro government (however well or ill-meaning that government may be). Of course I would be pleased if Limbaugh's forum could be handed over to the likes of George Will so that my points of agreement wouldn't be clouded with the personality distaste engendered by Limbaugh. He is often the blowhard he is accused of being, and thus, often the worst messenger for his causes.

This forum must be more thoughful and balanced than my first post would imply though, because the two who expressed the most emotional "hurt", seem to be the two philosophical opposites, myself and groucho. He by the thoughtless clumsy use of language and history, and I for being philosophically included in the number whom you seem to think are the true current day nazis (if we only understood history and politics as you understood them).
