The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25279   Message #295690
Posted By: GUEST,Jew
12-Sep-00 - 11:54 AM
Thread Name: The term 'folk Nazi'
Subject: RE: The term 'folk Nazi'
To Groucho Marxist:

There are many good people on this website who, while not being Jewish, understand why you and I feel the way we do. The fact that they haven't posted to this thread is not an indication of their lack of interest or feeling. Some will read the posts and think there is nothing more they could add because others have already "said" it. Some just haven't had the time to go through all the threads. And, there are those who never go into a thread that is not specifically music-related. I have been a member for a long time and at no other time have I seen any post as overtly anti-semitic as that of "Guest." Even when there was a discussion of "Nazi" music, a couple of years back, I did not have the impression that anyone was wearing a white sheet.

I, of all people, understand why you would choose to leave The Mudcat Cafe. I would, however, urge you to stay and communicate with those who are what make up the "good" of the Mudcat. It is so difficult to ignore the "bad," so I wont even make that suggestion. But I would implore you to lurk awhile and see what happens and to enjoy the other threads.

Jews worldwide mutter the phrase "We must never forget." To forget would be to erase the memories of those who died and those who survived. To forget would be to open the door even wider for those who teach that it never happened.

Jews were not the only victims of the Holocaust ... there were members of the resistance movements all over Europe and every man, woman, and child who lived in a country that was occupied for Hitler's forces.