The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131178   Message #2957052
Posted By: Bobert
02-Aug-10 - 08:21 PM
Thread Name: EmmyLou Harris - Satan's Jeweled Crown
Subject: RE: EmmyLou Harris - Satan's Jewel Crown
First of all. like many men my age I have been in love with EmmyLou Harris going back as long as I can remember... There was a time in the 70s when I was just doing country and country rock and not much more where I would go to sleep at night thinkin' that if I just got a few breaks here and there that I might one day open for her but...

... sems that my life has been more a Buddy Miller story... But nevermind that, I love Buddy, too... I started a thread on him here which dropped to the bottom like a stone...

But a couple true stories...

(No, before them, thanks to old'ster for puttin' up "Satan's Jeweled Crown" and Wes fir all the great Buddy MIller stuff... Especially like that "untitled" one and the one with Shawn, Patti and EmmyLou on percusssion and backup vocals... Patti is another oo my secret loves... Her voice is so smokey... Lot like Julie's...)

First true story: Ya'll may or may not know that I do this one man band (OMB) thing which requires me to play drums with my feet while playing various stringed instruments up top... Well, even though I do primarially blues there are times when I practice where I just wnat to work on the drums and I have found that playin' with a Buddy Miller CD gives me quite a workout 'cause his arrangements are so varied... I love Buddy Miller's stuff... Best non-Steve Earle songwriter out there...

Second true story: I played "Satan's Jeweled Crown" for years and years before kinda movin' more into blues and I remeber going to my 1st Getaway and thought that I needed to attend as many workshops as I could... Even early Sunday morning... Joe Offer had a gospel workshop going and so I went and as the song circle got closer to me I was swaetin' bullets 'cause veryone was doing these gosple songs that seemed everyone else knew (but me) and the only song that I had that was remotely gospel was this song so I did it... Yeah, kinda embarassin' 'cause it seemed that most of the folks either didn't know it or thought is wasn't goseplly 'nuff fir them but toward the end I heard Ken Shoutz (sp) come in... (Whew!!!)... Don't think I'll be doing that workshop again...
