The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131142   Message #2957288
Posted By: Doby
03-Aug-10 - 09:19 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Do you know this melody
Subject: Origins: Do you know this melody?
I remember this melody but would like to know what it is.
I first thought it was "Do you want your old lobby washed."
but don't think so anymore. I would greatly appreciate any help.

T:Unidentified Trad.
C:Unidentified Trad.
Z: id:donno-1
K:G Major
|:d d|d G G G A B|c E3 c c|B2 G B c B|A4 d d|
d2 B d c B|A E3 c c|B c B A G F|G4:|]