The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131128   Message #2957300
Posted By: MikeL2
03-Aug-10 - 09:39 AM
Thread Name: Experiences meeting 'catters ?
Subject: RE: Experiences meeting 'catters ?

I have met a few catters but that was because I knew them many years ago before I recently became a catter myself.

There are some others that I knew way back when that I didn't want to contact and still haven't done so. I suppose that makes me pretty average in that I like many people but not everyone.

There are some catters here that I would like to meet sometime and some that I would never want to meet. But that doesn't make them bad....just not what I wish to see in the flesh so to speak.

AS I have been involved in music, and that includes folk, I guess I must have brushed across a fair number of catters but I didn't know that at the time.

As most of the people that I have met in folk have been sociable and friendly had I known that they were catters I probably would have not been too bothered by meeting them " out in the open" so to speak.

