The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82154   Message #2957892
Posted By: GUEST,Patsy Warren
04-Aug-10 - 07:21 AM
Thread Name: ADD: 'Fuck You Jane Fonda' Vietnam Song (bawdy)
Subject: RE: pg13 Add: 'Fuck You Jane Fonda' Vietnam Song
The song makes uncomfortable reading but it did get a reaction. It is interesting to read every individual response to this whether it's about the bad language in the title, the war or the girl herself (woman now).

When I was a kid I thought she was an outspoken rebellious gutsy girl different to the Barberella character we saw. These days I wonder if it was just the war she was hitting out at or more at her father who she was at logger heads with for years and the circle of people he was clicky with. At one point I believe she was 'black-listed' which must have caused a great deal of embarrassment to Henry Fonda.

No I haven't been corrupted by the lyrics at all but my only concern is that there is going to be competition for folk to post something more rude or offensive than the last.