The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25279   Message #296127
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
12-Sep-00 - 10:04 PM
Thread Name: The term 'folk Nazi'
Subject: RE: The term 'folk Nazi'
Interesting comments all the way down the thread. Some final thoughts...

A)I still find the term absurd.Must be the juxtaposition of the terms "folk" and "Nazi"

B)I have mixed feelings about setting aside the term "Nazi" for one reference: that of conjuring up the evil and horror of Hitler's regime.To grant a term that kind of power is to sanctify it,even if in a negative manner.I think Lenny Bruce was on to something when he said that the more we hide and stigmatize a word,the more power we endow it with.

C)I believe that Jerry Seinfeld can call someone a "soup Nazi" and not be guilty of forgetting the great evil of Hitler,or of betraying his Jewish heritage.It is,in part,the contrast between the Soup Nazi's harmless behavior and the deadly nature of the actual Nazis that made the term funny.

D)I think that the term,ludicrous as it is in my view,is a harsh one to use in actual fact,especially alluding to anyone in this forum,and I would not use it myself.I respect the opinions of those who do feel it is innappropriate,and I understand their point of view.

Finally...many of us had fathers,friends and relatives who suffered in the War,and our memories of Hitler and the Nazis are still fresh.As new generations (mbo) come along,the immediacy of the memory will dim.The reactions to terms like "Hitler" and "Nazi" will not be as immediate.And maybe that is not such a bad thing.What is important for them to remember is the truth of what happened,and I think,if Mbo is an example,that they will be wise enough to remember the lessons.