The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131360   Message #2962542
Posted By: Bobert
10-Aug-10 - 10:27 PM
Thread Name: Bob Dylan Masters of war.
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan Masters of war.
Just another thought... If war is so friggin' happy and upbeat why not sell War-Cola??? Or have "War Sales" at the local department stores???

Think about it...

Be like takin' the old Beatles song "I Want to Hold Your Hand" and trying to make it into a boohoo downbeat dirge'r... Some stuff just ain't right...

Dylan??? I donno what got into him that night... I mean, I been in enough jams where ya' just get caught up in someone else's rhythum/groove... We all been there... Maybe that was the case... But then again??? It is Dylan... He ain't all that consistent in his groove...He does seem to roam around musically which is fine with me... I just hold the option of havin' the clicker when it comes to his stuff... He's either in a groove I am real comfy with 'er very much not...
