I worked one summer with an interesting group of carpenters,an experience that led me to the profound belief that Jesus had to be a man with a sense of humor or he could never have cut it in that profession. Among the crew members was a Jew,a Muslim,a Buddhist,and several Christians.We were all conscious believers and inadvertant blasphemers.Among the epithets raised,in addition to the aforementioned "Jesus H Christ on a Crutch!!!",were such interesting word pictures as "Holy Moses Squatting in a Peach Orchard!!!","Great Babbling Bald-headed Buddha on a Stick!" and "Muff-snuffing Mohammed in a Mac Truck".All makes me wonder what Jesus said when He cut a board too short (and you know he did).Makes me think He's got plenty of understanding and forgiveness of our own shortcomings.
*Disclaimer- Some liberties have been taken in the telling of this well-intentioned parable