The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131351   Message #2962755
Posted By: Jim Carroll
11-Aug-10 - 08:34 AM
Thread Name: Is it permissible-to change a word in an old song?
Subject: RE: Is it permissible-to change a word in an old song?
There seems to be a danger of this polarising into a yes-no response; I don't believe it to be that easy.
While I have no principled objection to the changing of words, I share Crow Sister's reservations about 'tidying up' old songs, but I think this permissable, even desirable in some cases, if done with sensitivity. For me, the beauty of many of the songs lie in the words, sometimes archaic, and how they lie within the overall text.
Perhaps the answer to the question should be - "yes, if you feel you must", and only then if it can be done without sacrificing the integrity and the beauty of the song.
I have to say I'm a little at a loss to understand Suibhne's approach to this one.
He and I have fallen out in the past, mainly due to my insensitivity in heavyhandedly criticising his singing of a ballad (for which I apologised to him privately and do so here publicly).
Without wishing to give more offence (certainly none intended), I find his approach to some songs bears no relation to that of any traditional singer I have ever met.
Perhaps I have missed something in his argument?
Jim Carroll