The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131360   Message #2962844
Posted By: Rob Naylor
11-Aug-10 - 10:35 AM
Thread Name: Bob Dylan Masters of war.
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan Masters of war.
I like it when live versions of songs are different to the standard recordings, and enjoyed some of the interpretations Dylan did on the one decent performance he turned in of the 3 gigs I've seen him at.

But my feeling is that MOW is a song that really doesn't lend itself to being rocked up. The version you linked had pretty unintelligible words and take away the sense of the words and you have "just another" rock song that could be about anything or nothing. But if you like it...well, "chacun a son gout" (and if I drink much more of that Courage beer, gout'll be a definite possibility).

Dylan's never *shocked* me, but twice he's *disappointed* me with really bad performances where he could hardly be bothered to go through the motions, showing such a contempt for the people who *made* him a millionaire that I've never bothered to go to one of his live gigs since....the last one being just up the road at the Hop Farm. Five minutes drive for me (well, my mate, until this cast's off) but I just couldn't be arsed :-)