The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131361   Message #2963363
Posted By: Bobert
11-Aug-10 - 10:37 PM
Thread Name: Cezanne painting - where? (Bobert's print added)
Subject: RE: BS: Cezanne painting - where?
Guess it's one of those bi-polar things, Amos, ol' buddy...

(Nah.... Not bi polar, Boberdz...)

Okay, one of them split personalities things...

I donno, Amos, but I ain't exactly just some art histotian (which I ain't - I just know what I know) but I been drawin' and paintin' since I was about 8 years old... Tell ya' what... You remind me and I'll bring you a Bobert "print" to the Getaway that you can take back and hang it in yer livin' room... Kat's got one on her's...

But I donno... Between living now or being an artist back in the 1880s in France??? I mean, yeah, I had the 60's but the impressionists had an entire revolution... Okay, I give the romantics credit... They did their part... They wrestled art (and man) away from the church as being Nurse Ballbuster... But it wasn't until the 1870s that artists said "Screw all this painterly stuff" 'cause there another way...

Hey, I have the upmost respect for classical painters but, geeze louise... Enough friggin Rembrandt's, thank you... They are boring and have no movement... Or life...

I'm rambling... And I'm tired...
