The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131399   Message #2964041
Posted By: Bobert
12-Aug-10 - 08:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Grove Avenue Republic...
Subject: RE: BS: Grove Avenue Republic...
Not really, Rap...

It started out a small little block party in Richmond and ended up as a massive block party with bands setting up on porch roofs (drums, amps and all...) and then the cars couldn't get thru and then the cops showed up and the riots began... Lotta folks got hurt that night...

That started it... Within a couple days the name was created, the tee shirts designed and silk screened, the bands lined up and...

Round 2!!!

Round 2 was the shits!!! (Georgian for awsome...) The cops had gotten such bad press the week before that they just let it happen and it was the block party of all block parties...

Yeah, it was short lived but alot of fun... BTW, for every GAPer the date of the riots will never be forgotten: 4/10/70!!!
