The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131335   Message #2964239
Posted By: GUEST,Hootenanny
13-Aug-10 - 07:57 AM
Thread Name: The Blues???
Subject: RE: The Blues???
To be brief and to the point, from the clip you posted Kelly Joe Phelps if he plays and sings blues is a copyist.

Eric Bibb is a young copyist, he is the son of Leon Bibb who came out of the "Folk Scare" of the 1960's which differs somewhat to the background from which the music developed

Nothing wrong with either of these guys but they are far removed from the intense emotional style of singing that comes out in most of the blues.

Doc Boggs a bluesman? No way. He was an excellent singer and banjo player from the Appalachians around Norton, Virginia who's singing and playing was influenced by hearing the music of the black workers
that he encountered in the mountains.

Re Will Fly's posting I agree entirely that the music of the songsters John Hurt, Etta Baker (not Blake Will, slip of the finger)and Elizabeth Cotten says "Play Me". I play some of their material quite happily and do so even in public at times. Unfortunately I still can't get "Wilson Rag" as smoothly as I would like.
